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Fortinet Terms and Conditions. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited by law. Thank you for partnership with Fortinet! You are eligible to receive one of the items listed on this website (Max. value $25.00 USD). (First Come First Served, While Supplies Last. Recipients are eligible for this giveaway, provided that attendee is at least the age of majority and a legal resident of your country. Offer expires 12/31/2023. The following attendees are not eligible to participate in this promotion: employees, officers, and directors of Fortinet, event sponsors; Fortinet competitors; and any government entities or government affiliates. To receive you must: (1) Qualify per eligibility criteria listed above, and (2) Complete information request included above. You acknowledge that this giveaway is (a) not in exchange for new or continued business, (b) not in violation of your company’s policies, and (c) the recipient is not a government entity or affiliate. Limit one item per person while supplies last. You are responsible for any and all taxes associated with the prize. By clicking submit you agree to the use of your personal information in accordance with Fortinet’s Privacy Policy. Fortinet reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel or modify this promotion at any time without prior written notice.